Monday, November 10, 2008

Kick-Off Weekend

Saturday was the official kick-off for Ironteam. We had a chance to meet our coaches for the season, went over the training schedule for the next few months and just talked about the season in general. I am definitely excited about the season, but I am also concern about how this whole Ironman training is going to suck the life out of me. After Iron University where we went over swim drills, bike equipments, and run skill, we had our first workout. It was an hour of butt kicking core workout! After about 60 crunches, my abs were definitely not happy with me.

Sunday was a bike workout and calls for Hill Repeats. Hill Repeats is exactly what it sounds like. Find a road that has a steady incline, ride up, come back down, and do it again. So Mike K, Kristie, Helen and I met up at Sunol and headed out towards Calaveras for our hill climb. The last time I was on my bike was back in September, so I was taking it easy riding up the hill and getting my leg muscles use to riding again. My legs held up pretty well, it was other areas that were having problems. After about 3 miles of uphill, I had to get out of the saddle as that general area was getting numb. “It ain’t fun when your junk in numb “ as Mike puts it. After 22 miles and 2 hill climbs, it was definitely numb down there. Always a great way to start a season!

1 comment:

Mason said...

Remember that I need nieces and nephews! When it's numb, take a break!